You are very wise to be shopping early. We hear from vendors daily about shipping problems they are still encountering. Because we anticipated these problems - we ordered a large amount of merchandise in July and August of 2022. In addition we are having goods shipped by plane instead of normally by boat. Hundreds of dresses are coming in every week. The store will be full for opening on December 10th and beyond. For this year, even more than previous years, the "best" dresses will be the first to go.
The later you wait, the less likely we are to have your perfect dress in stock and may not be able to guarantee delivery before your prom.
Our staff are all excited to see our customers and be able to show them all the new styles and the changes that have been done to The Prom Shop. 2023 is going to be a GREAT year to celebrate Prom and we can't wait to make it perfect for YOU!!!!